Things Mentally Strong People Always Do

Some people possess qualities of maintaining greater self-discipline and some may be better in their emotions management than you are.  But nobody is born with such qualities and one always has to develop these traits by rigorous practice, willingness and experiences.

Let’s dig into the ways mentally strong people followed to develop these traits

  1. Always assume that your life and emotions are in completely charge of yours

Emotionally week people often blame their luck for failures and wait for their luck to shine in order to achieve success. Whereas, mentally strong people understand that luck plays an important role in our success to an extent, but their actions never wait for their good luck nor they blame their luck for failures, instead they take the learning, plan and strongly act while knowing the fact that their failure and success is completely in their control.

Instead of worrying about what might happen, by putting your efforts with right planning can certainly mold the things you way. You luck is completely in control of yours, through your positive thoughts, and your mental programming.

  1. Look at the past as valuable experience

Emotionally weak people often dwell into past, either to regret for past mistakes or to live in the beautiful memories of past, while on the other hand, mentally strong people let go of the past memories, take valuable learnings and move on with a better personality and understanding.

Past is just a place to learn, take experiences and move on, whenever some bad situation occur, always recall that it’s a new opportunity to learn something new and take a novel experience.

  1. Never complain or criticize

Your thoughts and words have an incredible power over you and your life. Cribbing and weeping on your problems will not only worsen your mental condition but also make the situation even worse.

So when you face tough situation, instead of complaining, take a deep breath, analyze the root cause of problem, mediate for 10 minutes and find out the solutions. The problem could be for longer time but not for lifetime, only a calm and positive mind can find out the right solutions.

  1. Instead of always trying to impress others, impress yourself

Let people like you for what you are. No one would like you for your accomplishments, profile, your car and all these material things. They might like the things you have. So do not try to show off the things you have, rather show your real character you possess. True relationship always based on acceptance of your real characteristics, and these genuine relationships only develop then when you stop trying to impress others and just be yourself.

  1. Firmly set and review your long term goals and make stronger commitments

Set goals or remind yourself your set goals for tomorrow when you’re mentally low or tired. When you feel mentally low and away from you goals, remind yourself that passion and dedication you had when you set those goals to get you back on track.

  1. Learn to be happy in the success of others

Mentally strong people never compare their paths with others, and help others to grow and be a part of celebration of their success.

  1. Count your blessings and thank God

Take a moment before you go to sleep, keep your worries aside and think about the things you have. You have a lot to be thankful for. Thank God for what you have, appreciate yourself for the things you earned and gain, and remind yourself that when you’ve earned or achieved this, you can achieve your goals too.


Don’t Quit, rather accept the challenge and Do It


When the road you are trudging seems all uphill, it’s an encouragement for you to make your efforts more polished. Delays will not result in failure, but quitting most certainly will. So don’t quit, rather take the challenges and do it.

Attain a healthy work Life Balance

Work Life balance is a concept including proper prioritizing between work and lifestyle (healthpleasure, family) and is the genuine requirement in today’s fast running life. There are certain break training paths and programmes that endeavors and brings elusive balance in every individual’s life. The nuances shared in his programmes throw open a whole new world of possibilities waiting to be tapped.

Most of the working professionals already have a good grasp on the meaning of achievement. But when we explore the concept of enjoyment a little more, achievements and enjoyments are the two faces of same coin, one cannot have one without the other. Trying to live a one sided life is why so many “Successful” people are not happy, or not nearly as happy as they should be.

Although there is a priority list but seldom does one prioritize the family and loved ones in the very list? Sometimes people get stuck into work which they might not enjoy; this leads to frustration and disenchantment. Drawing pleasure from one’s work is a pre requisite of a happy life. So the most important thing one should focus on to keep oneself lively and happy in choosing the right job. It’s all about settling in a profession which fuels the passion and stimulates your heart and mind. Balance is achieved when one knows about how you spend your hours; life is too short and hours too scarce not to follow your passion.

With every individual, work-life balance varies over time; the right balance for today will probably be different for tomorrow. The right balance for an individual is when one is single and will be different when one marries, or at the time when one have their children; when one starts a new career versus when you are nearing retirement. The best work-life balance is different for everyone because all have different priorities and different lives. However, at the core of an effective work-life balance definition are two key everyday concepts that are relevant to each of working professionals, their daily Achievements, enjoyments and ideas almost deceptive in their simplicity.

An individual will never get satisfied with their work until them makes themselves satisfied with life. An individual always needs to balance and keep a track on what is important at what time. Achievements are not only what one wants to achieve in our work, but achievements are what one needs to achieve from the life. At the end, the person achieves the task at work to ultimately achieve the things he/she wants to derive from his life. Therefore one should adopt the skills of balancing work life to ultimately live the life he/she desires. The success focuses on to bring out that hidden thrill and adventure in one’s life which has faded away in unbalanced busy life.

While work holds penultimate importance in life, one needs to also make a conscious choice to make room for hobbies and personal time. Since family dinners or a quiet engagement with loved one are few occasion that fountains of perpetual happiness that bring balance to our otherwise stressed life. AK Mishra’s Art of Success pragmatically blends pleasure and work to achieve the work life balance.

Believe in yourself to emerge out as champion

All the successful people in the known history of mankind had ardent faith on their abilities and steadfast confidence. Most of us get disheartened on account of minor setbacks in life and trivial issues which indicates that we have low elf-esteem. Counting on our abilities endows us with all the courage we need to carry through a task and it won’t be exaggeration to say that it is a panacea to excel in all our endeavors.

Lack of courage is a bane that cripples us and prevents us from doing anything extraordinary. An audacious person only thinks of success and weeds out all hunches that come in the way of his success by putting in strenuous efforts. Like us they do not go berserk on account of failures instead find out for the reasons for failure – their confidence, in fact burgeon after every failures. If a plan does not pan out in our favor, we must vigilantly size up for the reasons that lead to the failures. If we want to notch up colossal success or give over-the-top performance, it is imperative that we will also encounter problem of same magnitude so it is insane to conceive of stamping out all the problems before we embark on doing something. Appearance of problems are not unjust and unpredictable, they come to strengthen us at the outset so that the momentous task that we have planned to accomplish can be successfully completed.

We must also cotton on to the fact that success is not for those who fear facing problem for they are disrespecting the laws of nature and missing on the splendid opportunity to strengthen themselves. Problems are conceived of as monsters that appear from nowhere but most often they are results of our ill-contrived plan and hints at our weaknesses that we have not yet wiped out. A dime a dozen plan can only yield mediocre results so if you want to be champion, you must also be an ace planner who could weigh up pros and cons of his plans and knows what to do if his plans bite the dust.

There is no denying to the fact that problems are bitter in nature and everybody finds themselves in a tight spot when they encounter problem. On the flip side, we can derive windfall gains form the problems as well. Unlike us champions know the art of tackling life problems and deriving benefit from them. So if you feel alarmed at every problem, you can enroll yourself in some motivational and transformational training program to do away with all the problems you are facing now. Success guru AK Mishra, inventor and director of AK Mishra’s Art of Success, have pioneered several training courses that can easily help you overcome all the issues of life.

AK Mishra’s Art of Success Organized a Life Transformational Corporate Training at Panasonic

AK Mishra’s Art of Success organized a life transformational training at Panasonic for working professionals. The training session began at 3pm and continued till 5pm on 18th March 2016. Before Mr. AK Mishra set about training session, Mr. Gaurav Minocha (Head, Sales & Marketing at Panasonic) shed light on Mr. Mishra’s life and his journey to success. He said that with iron determination and right attitude, anyone can climb the ladder of success as Mr. Mishra, even after hailing from a small village in Jharkhand and facing financial constraint, mopped up all the hurdles and rose to unconceivable heights.IMG_3735.JPG

The introductory session highlighted major aspects of life which we human beings usually ignore and keep moving with the flow of life. It thus makes our life extremely monotonous and stamp out the charm and excitement from our lives.

Large number of working professionals including senior managers, senior Executives, Departmental heads; came to attend the training session and transformed their outlook towards life. From Life Transformational talk to real life examples, discussions, movie clippings and thought provoking videos, Art of Success training session endeavored to provide truly a life transforming experience to the participants.

Success Guru AK Mishra talked about the difference between solitude and loneliness, and how one should develop a habit of spending quality time in solitude to live and experience the real essence of life. Moreover, the session also emphasized to encourage the participants to toss out their monotonous life and look beyond to create some new memorable experiences in life. He encouraged participants to try out newer things in life to keep their life alive and kicking. He shared the importance of expressing gratitude towards others and appreciations which help an individual grow in professional life by leaps and bounds.

Overall, the session did not only focused helping the participants grow professionally, but indeed attempted to focus on holistic development of an individual.  After successful completion of the training session, Mr. Mishra was felicitated by senior managers and participants shared their life experiences. After completion of training session, participants felt contended and wished to attend more such training session in future to discern the true meaning of life.



AK Mishra’s Art of Success wishes you all a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day, which is celebrated every year on 17th March is a major day for celebration for Irish culture. It is celebrated to commemorate St. Patrick, who was one of the patron Saints of Ireland, who ministered Christianity in Ireland during fifth century. On this such auspicious and religious day AK Mishra’s Art of Success wishes you a very Happy St. Patrick’s Day. And as it considers as one of the most lucky days for everyone, May this day bring huge luck in your life and help you achieve success in every walks of life.


Actor Leonardo Dicaprio Apologized to Lady Gaga after Golden Globes Award Ceremony

Who can forget the heart-throbbing performance of actor Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Titanic? He had become a household name after his stellar performance in the movie. Almost all the movies starring Leonardo DiCaprio have been a blockbuster and he has earned unrivaled reputation in the film industry.


But recently he was caught in an imbroglio, when he was seen laughing at lady gaga in Golden Globes Award Ceremony. Leonardo appeared to laugh as Lady Gaga made her way to accept her Golden Globe Award. However, he soon realized his mistake and apologized for her mischievous act.

This incident made us think that even after attaining great heights; our one mischievous act can draw us to blames and spoil our reputation. Such incidents occur because we are not aware that like our professional skills, our motivation level too needs be enhanced.

With soared up motivation levels we are less likely to commit mistakes not only at professional front but also personnel front. Once we decide to take charge of our life most of our problems automatically gets rooted out. Most of the behavioral problems also stem from the lower levels of motivation. With enhanced motivation levels, we tend to acclaim others effort however insignificant it appears instead of ridiculing them. This way, we bring forth an environment of creativity where everybody climbs the ladder of success and society grows in a positive direction.

The seed of growth and prosperity lies in taking charge of life as once we decide to bring about positive changes in our life , we tend to focus more on ameliorating our own work instead of picking holes in others work . Our journey to success embarks on with our decision to scope out our work as well as personality. Needless to say, with increased motivation levels, we can do remarkably well at professional front as well. All the great souls who did exceedingly well in their area of work, used to have unfathomable belief in their abilities. They never look at others to get their problems eliminated; instead they decided to take charge of their life and face all the problems of life with exemplary courage.

What would you do if your weren’t afraid

Each one of us faces fear in several situations of life. Our fears are made up of our past experiences, our past conditioning and beliefs. Fear of abandonment, fear of failures, loss, etc. which determine our behavior and thoughts throughout our life. But, what if you completely understand yourself, the root of these fears and if you would indeed start working on building your strength against them? You will be able to pursue your innermost desires unhesitatingly. Isn’t it great?


Face your fears, confront those unwanted emotions and free yourself from the shackles of fear. Fear often keep us in unfulfilling career as we are afraid that if we let go of that job, we will not be able to find the better one or pursue are dream career and will even lost the current job. We stay in unsatisfying relationship as we are afraid that we will never find better person or the person will start loving someone else. So rather striving for better or pursue our dreams, we hold onto on to mediocrity. When the fact is, you’ve got only one life. You’ve got these dreams for some reasons. You’ve got some unique potential endowed by the master craftsman for some reason. The people who are pursuing their dreams today and living a successful life were someday used to be scared the way you do. But they build their strength against them. We all can do this. Build your strength; make yourself that much capable today, so you can live your desired life tomorrow. But that tomorrow must me decided with a deadline. Give yourself a deadline by when you want to make yourself so much capable, and stronger that no fearful thought would stop you living a life you had always dreamt for. And that will be the day when you can consider yourself as a successful person.