Working hard to stay motivated in your day to day activities and life? Having lack of knowledge of right purpose in life causing you demotivation? So it clearly shows you are not living a purposeful and meaningful life.

Having meaning and purpose in life can give profound impact to your health

Recent research demonstrates that individuals who consider their life as a meaningful experience encounter generously higher sense of wellbeing.  For instance, it has been found by Michael F. Steger (Psychologist and Director of the Laboratory of the Study of Meaning and Quality of Life at Colorado State University) that numerous individuals pick up a lot of psychological benefits from understanding their life’s purpose and how their uniqueness help them fit within the world around them. His research also revealed that individuals having a sense of life purpose and meaning feel more contended and happier, moreover feel less discouraged, restless and are less inclined to take part in risky or unpredictable behaviors.

“What is the meaning of life, and what is our life’s purpose?” Each one of us have our own way to answer this question, and by practicing to answer this question, one can gradually gain a personal sense of his/her life’s purpose which in turns gives an individual a sense of analyzing and setting right goals and become more focused towards life’s objectives and purpose.

Journaling is one of the best tools for self-reflection. To begin with, let’s take 5 minutes to consider how effectively you can ponder your own sense of meaning and purpose in life. Next, take few minutes to journal each of the following question for yourself

  • What are some recently occurred events in your life which you consider important
  • Which of them involved hassles and miseries, and what are the ways to reframe them to have a better and positive view on these event
  • What learning did you gain from those events?
  • What are those things and recent achievements in your life for which you are grateful?
  • What was your experience of analyzing life’s purpose and meaning recently?

Since these 5 points are particularly designed to help you ponder upon your recently experienced memories and to give you an opportunity for self analyzation that helps you recall the significance and right purpose of your life. You can always reformulate the questions as per your preference if you are unable to resonate with your thoughts and personal preferences. The key is to have questions that help you take part in self-reflection and ingrain meaning and purpose into your experience of everyday life.

Try writing down your smaller experiences every day and consistently keep reviewing your journal and your even smaller achievements of the week for self-inspection. This will help you remind that you are unique and born for some greater purpose in life.


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